We specialise in customising computational strategies to solve intricate geological modelling applications.
Geological Forward Simulation
Modelling burial and deformational history of sediment from initial deposition to the current day state, while accounting for concomitant reaction and transport processes

Mechanical Earth Models
Mechanical earth models (MEMs) are constructed to evaluate how the status of stress, strain, pore pressure, temperature, etc change as a function of drilling, completion and production operations relative to the initial state.
The stress evolution may give rise to fault reactivation and thus alter the overall hydro-mechanical properties of the system.

Reservoir Modelling
Modelling changes in effective stress and pore pressure due to reservoir production. The stress evolution could give rise to fault reactivation and thus alter the overall hydro-mechanical properties.

Geomechanical Restoration and Integration with Forward Modelling
Structural restoration through time to establish the evolutionary history of a basin. Provides understanding of fluid migration and constraints to perform forward simulations.

Wellbore Stability
Predictive modelling of strain localisation on thick-walled cylinder and ultimate collapse of wellbore

Mechanical Earth Models
Mechanical earth models (MEMs) are constructed to evaluate how the status of stress, strain, pore pressure, temperature, etc change as a function of drilling, completion and production operations.

Other Applications
Due to modularity and scalability of the algorithm inside ParaGeo, we are able to extend the capability of the solver to a wide range of application fields.
Overpressure generation due to disequilibrium compaction and tectonic deformation
Influence of pore pressure state in the deformational regime
Change in porosity, permeability, overpressure state and sediment strength due to thermally-controlled kinetic diagenesis reactions
Natural hydraulic fracture occurrence
Fault reactivation upon changes in pore pressure and effective stresses
Change in fluid flow regime along faults upon changes in stress
Overburden subsidence during reservoir production
Wellbore stability
Thermal expansion processes
Temperature-dependent salt rheology