Inverse Analysis
ParaGeoInv is an optimisation tool developed for performing inverse analysis as well as homogenisation and upscaling. Example applications of inverse analysis include optimisation of material properties and boundary conditions with reference to expected/known target solutions. This tool is designed to be analysis-independent; it works flexibly with a variety of simulation tools other than ParaGeo, such as Eclipse, Abaqus, etc. At the core of ParaGeoInv is the nearest neighbour algorithm, which allows inversion of arbitrary sets of parameters from one or several arbitrary experimental/model set-ups. Given a selection of optimisation variables, the algorithm minimises the misfit value and converges to optimal values for the selected variables.
Because of the gradient-free nature of the nearest neighbour algorithm, ParaGeoInv is applicable in a variety of nonlinear constrained optimisation problems that are common in complex and challenging geological models. Two examples are the extraction of fracture stiffness from three sets of orthogonal embedded fractures under prescribed loading and a case study on boundary displacement optimisation whereby a geomechanical model containing a single fault is subjected to observed stress field.
ParaGeoInv is also capable of recovering material properties from measured experiment observations. This application is demonstrated through a case study on pulse decay inverse problem that aims to invert permeability and the Klinkenberg B factor based on the experimental-observed time history of the upstream and downstream reservoir pressures.
GeoInv is also capable of recovering material properties in simulation, subject to measured experiment parameters. This application is demonstrated through a case study on pulse decay inverse problem that aims to invert permeability and Klinkenberg B factor.
GeoInv is also capable of recovering material properties subject to measured experiment parameters. This application is demonstrated through a case study on pulse decay inverse problem that aims to invert permeability and Klinkenberg B factor.