TCGA Overview
Three Cliffs Geomechanical Analysis (TCGA) was formed by Tony Crook in 2008 with the primary motivation of research and development of new techniques for large-scale finite element modelling of multi-field/multi-scale coupled problems with complex physics.
The early years focused on development of a parallel computational framework based on modern software design paradigm that would accommodate the specialised needs of modelling coupled thermo-hydro-geomechanical evolution over geological timeframes, with all the complexities resulting from
Geometry changes due to finite strain and the localisation of deformation into faults and fractures
Constitutive behaviour evolving from depositional sediment to cemented rock via mechanical and chemically induced processes
Overpressure generation and fluid migration through the evolving system
Very large-scale models necessitating large element counts (10s of million) and requiring efficient solution of parallel architecture
The early years focused on development of a parallel computational framework (ParaGeo) based on modern software design paradigms that accommodates the specialised needs of modelling coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) evolution over geological timeframes, with all the complexities resulting from:

Geometry changes due to finite strain and the localisation of deformation into faults and fractures
Constitutive behaviour evolving from depositional sediment to cemented rock via mechanical and chemically induced processes
Overpressure generation and fluid migration through the evolving system
Very large-scale models necessitating large element counts (10s of million) and requiring efficient solution on parallel architecture