ParaGeo Workflow Overview
ParaGeo is a finite element based solver for coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical applications. The description of problem is defined in one, or several, input data files containing the geometry, mesh discretization, boundary conditions, material properties, etc. The code reads the input files, performs the simulation and outputs results in plot files and history files of various formats that can be post-processed with ParaView, Matina and any spreadsheet-based software.
The data in the input files is organized in data structures which contain keywords and their corresponding input parameters as described in the ParaGeo user manual. Additionally, data structure and keyword usage is demonstrated in the numerous tutorial examples available in the user manual.
The initial geometry may be defined using ParaGeo data structures or imported from third party software, for example:
Abaqus data files
Eclipse grids
AutoCAD (geometry only, mesh generated in ParaGeo)
Draftsight (geometry only, mesh generated in ParaGeo)
The mesh may be either pre-defined, or generated automatically at the start of the simulation by ParaGeo, e.g. for cases where the mesh will be automatically refined during the simulation due to large deformations or geometry changes (e.g. fault-insertion, sedimentation or erosion).
The plot files output from ParaGeo contain the results at every element and every node of the domain for all state variables relevant to the problem being solved. Plot files are output at a user-specified frequency in terms of simulated time or number of time steps. The results are output in hdf5 format allowing direct import to ParaView facilitating the display of the distribution of stresses, pore pressure, temperature and porosity among other state variables across the domain and its evolution with time. Additionally the data can be directly accessed using HDFView or using Python scripts.
High frequency history results for any requested variable or property at material points, well paths and surfaces may be output in either .csv or LAS format. This may be processed with any spreadsheet-based software or they may be loaded within Matina.

ParaGeo general workflow chart